Monday, December 23, 2024

picture book recs (round 11)

I should maybe retire this blogging project, or rework it, or something. Because I keep forgetting to be attentive when reading picturebooks to whether I would broadly recommend it -- thinking instead about particular people in my life who might like it.

But here are some books I've particularly liked these last 6 months. And I've been doing a lot more of ~skim-reading books and not actually tracking that I've read them on GoodReads.

  • Insha'Allah, No, Maybe So by Rhonda Roumani and Nadia Roumani & illustrated by Olivia Aserr -- Ranya's mom says "Insha'Allah" ("God willing") lots of times, and it starts to feel to Ranya like "Insha'Allah" is just another way of saying "No"
  • We Move Together written by Kelly Fritsch and Anne McGuire & illustrated by Eduardo Trejos -- about disability and community
  • Just What to Do written by Kyle Lukoff & illustrated by Hala Tahboub -- I was less a fan of this than my partner was, but it is a nice book about the struggle to figure out what to do when someone you care about is sad
  • We Care: A First Conversation About Justice written by Megan Madison and Jessica Ralli & illustrated by Sharee Miller
  • I'm Sorry You Got Mad written by Kyle Lukoff & illustrated by Julie Kwon -- about apologizing
  • [board book] The Belly Song written by Mother Moon & illustrated by Leah Giles -- a matter-of-fact sing-along book normalizing body shape diversity. Big belly, little belly, round belly, flat! Some have a lot of muscle. Some have a lot of fat. Some wiggle and they jiggle, and some do not. And I like whatever kind of belly that you've got!